Hi, my name is Jason Aldridge! I just graduated from Leadership Public School Hayward, and will be attending San Jose State University this fall. #ClassOf2017! I plan on studying Civil Engineering as I love creating and building my own (structural) things. I enjoy hanging out with friends, being involved in the community, and participating in school led events. I hope to become an engineer one day and to continue making a difference in my community. Being a Bank of America student Leader was a great experience where I was able to work with Junior Achievement, a non-profit organization that teaches financial literacy. The biggest highlight of this internship was the Leadership Summit in Washington D.C. where we were able to network and meet with others individuals who want to serve-inspire-change in the world. Another important highlight of the internship was going to many different Job Shadows through Junior Achievement, such as with the San Francisco Giants! (My favorite baseball team!) Overall, I enjoyed this internship where I have been able to gain lifelong friends and an opened door to new opportunities.

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