Junior Achievement is the region's largest and fastest-growing organization dedicated to educating young people about business, economics, and free enterprise. Through age-appropriate curricula, our programs begin at the elementary school level, teaching children how they can impact the world around them as individuals, workers, and consumers. Junior Achievement programs continue through the middle and high school grades, preparing students for additional key economic and workforce issues they will face in the future. Today, we reach more than 100,000 students in Northern California and the Central Valley!

We are a volunteer driven, non-profit organization. This year more than 5,300 volunteer business professionals, parents, retirees and college students will enter our schools to teach Junior Achievement programs in the Bay Area. These volunteers use their personal experiences to make the pre-packaged Junior Achievement curricula practical and realistic. Providing children with positive adult role models who illustrate ways to build self-confidence, develop skills and find avenues of success in our free enterprise system, is a hallmark of Junior Achievement.

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